Irene provided valuable coaching support during a video session while I was dining in between flights. Despite the challenging circumstances, Irene was able to create a focused and productive coaching environment. Her ability to effectively engage and guide the session remotely was impressive. Irene’s coaching style was energizing and uplifting, and she brought a positive and enthusiastic demeanor to the session.

Her ability to maintain focus and ensure the session remained productive was commendable. I highly recommend Irene as a coach, particularly for her ability to provide exceptional coaching support in unconventional settings. Her energizing and empowering approach, combined with her adaptability and expertise, make her a valuable resource for anyone seeking personal and professional growth.

Joe S.

Irene went above and beyond by creating a personalized meditation and affirmation to help me close a multi-million dollar deal. Her dedication to supporting my success was evident in this thoughtful gesture. The personalized meditation and affirmation provided by Irene demonstrated her understanding of the importance of mindset and visualization in achieving desired outcomes.

The meditation helped me to relax, focus, and visualize success in the deal. The carefully crafted affirmations were empowering and instilled confidence in my abilities. I am grateful for Irene’s personalized meditation and affirmation, which contributed to my overall mindset and confidence as I navigated the negotiations. Her ability to create tailored tools and support demonstrated her dedication to helping me achieve my goals. I highly recommend Irene for her expertise in providing personalized and impactful coaching experiences.

Sarrah L.

Irene has played a significant role in helping me detox and filter my informational environment, as well as consciously choose the information I consume. She has also supported me in making intentional changes to my friends circle. Recognizing the impact of the information we consume on our mindset and overall well-being, Irene has guided me in evaluating and curating the sources of information in my life.

She has helped me become more conscious of the content I engage with, ensuring that it aligns with my values, goals, and personal growth. I highly recommend Irene to anyone seeking to consciously curate their information sources.

Jason H.

Irene provided exceptional support by not only recognizing the value of specific reading material for my leadership role but also going the extra mile to purchase and read the same book. Her dedication to supporting my growth and development as a leader was evident in this thoughtful gesture. By reading the same book, Irene was able to engage in meaningful discussions and reflections with me, drawing from her own insights and perspectives.

This created a unique opportunity for us to have in-depth conversations that were enriched by her firsthand understanding of the material. I am grateful for Irene’s dedication, effort, and willingness to go above and beyond in supporting my growth as a leader.

Veronica R.

After working with Irene for a few months, my perspective has completely changed. She has helped me rewire my mindset and brought to my awareness that many things in my life are the result of unconscious programmed beliefs. Through her coaching, Irene has guided me on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

She has helped me uncover deep-seated beliefs that were holding me back and limiting my potential. With her support, I have been able to challenge and replace those beliefs with ones that align with my goals and aspirations. Working with Irene has been a transformative experience. Her compassionate and non-judgmental approach has created a safe space for me to explore and reflect on my beliefs. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking to challenge their unconscious beliefs, rewire their mindset, and achieve personal growth and success.

Katie G.